
The Lil Muslim Readers book club aims to run on clear cut guidelines for choosing books so there is a common understanding and filtration method devised for appropriate books according to age, topic, theme etc. As diverse as all Muslim families are, we acknowledge that all families are unique in their personal choices, preferences and ways of setting limits and boundaries for the many activities their kids participate in. With respect to everyone's individuals choices and preferences the Book Club has chalked out some common core, neutral and precise guidelines to respect the difference of opinion in all families to Beidhnillah !

Lil Muslim Readers

Pre Requisite:
  1. The moderator and preferably another mom will have to pre read the suggested books to ensure they follow the guidelines and fit the basic philosophy of the club.
  2. It is okay if your child has already read the book.  They will, insha allah,  benefit from the discussions, activities as well as any potential field trips related to the book.
The books should not have:
  1. shirk or relying on other than Allah for help
  2. magic, witches or wizards as the main theme
  3. promotion of music or musical instruments as the main theme
  4. romance or platonic love between boys and girls
  5. princesses and fairies and the whole 'fantasy' storyline.
The book club will steer clear from:
  1. Disney books/storyline
  2. time travelling... example, Magic Tree House or Time Warp Trio
  3. books where haraam is committed or promoted, or  where characters have bad attitudes and show disrespect (especially towards parents) and use offensive language. UNLESS there is a lesson to learn from that, such as a consequence for that haraam action later on in the story. For example....killing, stealing, lying or cheating whereby Islamic teachings can be discussed to teach desirable mannerism
   It is ok if:
  1.  the main characters can be a boy or a girl, teaching kids a better understanding and respect for both genders.
    We welcome books:
  1. that stimulate our children's thinking, and attitude towards Allah, it's creation and humanity
  2. that have good morals and values, in line with our Islamic teachings
  3. that are well written and rich in vocabulary
It’s a must:
  1. that kids have read the books themselves or be read to, so they can better grasp the theme and concepts, as well as avail the most out of the related activities, discussions and field trips Inshallah.
      Highly recommended:
  1. to find parallels for concepts and themes that are connected to Islamic teachings and learn to be a better muslim with a deeper understanding of the deen.
If you have any questions, comments, concerns or addition to these guidelines please visit the FAQ section.

Download the guidelines in pdf here

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