Q 1 What age group is the book club for ?

A 1 Children ages 5 and 12

Q 2 Can younger siblings attend book club events and activites ?

A 2 Yes, unless otherwise specified.

Q 3 Is it for boys or girls ?

A 3 It's for both boys and girls. A variety of books will be suggested for both boys and girls in most cases.

Q 4 Where will be the activities conducted ?

A 4 Mostly in Fremont, unless otherwise specified.

Q 5 Will we have to buy the books ?

A 5 We will try our best to choose books hat are easily available in the local libraries.

Q 6 How often will the club meet ?

A 6 Once a month.

Q 7 How much time will be spent on a theme ?

A 7 Each theme will run for a period of three months

Q 8 How many themes will be done a year ?

A 8 We are planning to do four.

Q 9 Is there a cost/fee?

A 9 There is no fixed or established fee. The only time you may be asked to pay would be for a particular field trip that may require a fee, or for activity packages that may be made for kids depending on teh book and topic being done.

Q 10 Is it only for homeschoolers ?

A 10 No it is for everyone, homecshooler, non homecshooler, muslim non muslim. Anyone who loves reading books and likes extract lessons and inspirations from good reads.

Q 11 Do the kids have to be able to read the books themselves ?

A 11 Reading levels can vary in children and parents can read the books to children if needed. The purpose is to expose children to good quality and meaningful literature. Hoping to flourish their desire of reading and help them become thoughful and reflective children. 

Do you have any more questions ? Ask away ? 

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