May Allah reward them for their efforts and bring success and Barkah to their noble cause Ameen
Here is the Adhan in Sign Language Subhanallah
Suggestion: WATCH it once without the sound to actually try and experience how it would be SEE and FEEL the Adhan WITHOUT hearing it.....
How about learning the Adhan in Sign Language ?
Wouldn't it be a beneficial act with Inshallah to serve the community in the Dunya and hopefully for us in the Hereafter. To be rewarded just for the effort in itself would be a blessing indeed.
NOTE: BSL or British Sign language is different from American Language, but as far as Islamic Signs go, efforts are being made to keep them as uniformed as possible.
My 5 year old son and I attended the session on Wednesday and Alhumdulillah we both loved and benefitted from it. My son was so intrigued that he sat through out the whole 2-3 hour session with full concentration and without getting bored. (and this was after school!) MashaAllah Umm Umamah taught about the topic in such a beautiful way that kids of all ages were able to understand and feel what it is like to be a blind, deaf person and also muslim, by using hands on activities. I look forward to another class from her InshAllah!