Monday, March 10, 2014

BRAIGO: and inspiration and a hope

One can do anything if they put their mind to it. What a noble invention by a young enthusiast. If all try to contribute to the community in whatever capacities they can the world would be a different place.

Introducing BRAIGO:

made by Shubham Banerjee a 7th grader in Santa Clara

Read about him, him inspiration, invention and accomplishments
here and here

So my dear Club members,  after learning all we have in this quarters theme and seeing BRAIGO, would you like to think of something that can prove to be helpful to the Deaf and the Blind. You never know small ideas can be truly big, just like Shubham's.

Shubham is also sharing instructions on how to build BRAIGO on his Google+ page for all to benefit from.....a continuation of his noble cause. Mashallah !

Shubham will be exhibiting BRAIGO at the MakerFaire Bay Area on May 17 & 18, 2014. 

Maker Faire Bay Area

But before that, if all arrangements work out he has agreed to join us at our public event on a weekend at the Fremont library with BRAIGO in April.

Ava Pacheco

An inspiring video:

Friday, February 14, 2014

Signs for Islamic Terms

1st Quarter Challenge # 2

Knowing ASL is definitely is an addition to ones multilingualism, but while at it our Lil Muslim readers should know the Signs for some basic Islamic terms too. So here are some let's learn them all !

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Deaf Umrah Group

Knowing about the community, did you ever wonder how it is not to ever hear the Adhan or the beautiful Tilawah of the Quran. More so how do they perform Hajj and Umrah ?

The following videos not only humble us but also remind us of our ignorance. See for yourself.

All of the following videos are very unique and special do watch them... Subhanallah!

Al Isharah

Al Isharah Umrah trip 2010
 picture clips and a beautiful commentary 

Al Isharah Umrah trip 2011
video of training the pilgrims and their emotions on setting their eyes on the Kabah for the first time 

Umrah trip 2013

Find out more about these organizations by visiting their websites (click on their logos above) and the look into to donate for their cause.

Lil Muslim Readers......This sounds like an EXCELLENT opportunity to show compasion..... let's brainstorm ideas on how to raise funds for the Deaf Umrah group Inshallah. Sounds like the next Challenge for the 1st Quarter ?

Quran in ASL

Global Deaf Muslim is an American organization whose mission is to advocate for the advancement and inclusion of Deaf Muslims in the Muslim Ummah and to raise awareness of Deaf Muslims issues within the broader Muslim community. Mashallah !

May Allah reward them for their efforts and bring success and Barkah to their noble cause Ameen

Here is a video of their latest and extremely noble endeavor.

Beidhnillah they intend to do the translation of the whole Quran in ASL


Would you like to learn Surah tul Fatihah in ASL ?

Adhan in Sign Language

Al Ishara is a British Organization whose mission is to support the teaching of Islam in an informed and validated approach, so as to avoid any confusion or misleading information. Mashallh !

May Allah reward them for their efforts and bring success and Barkah to their noble cause Ameen

Al Isharah

Here is the  Adhan in Sign Language Subhanallah

Suggestion: WATCH it once without the sound to actually try and experience how it would be SEE and FEEL the Adhan WITHOUT hearing it.....

How about learning the Adhan in Sign Language ?

Wouldn't it be a beneficial act with Inshallah to serve the community in the Dunya and hopefully for us in the Hereafter. To be rewarded just for the effort in itself would be a blessing indeed.  

NOTE: BSL or British Sign language is different from American Language, but as far as Islamic Signs go, efforts are being made to keep them as uniformed as possible.

Helen Keller pictures

Helen Keller Photo Album

There is music in the background so you may want to mute it :)

Time line of Helen Kellers Life
1880       Born in Tuscumbia, Alabama on June 27.
1881       At the age of 19 months lost sight and hearing as a result of meningitis.
1886       Recognized by Alexander Graham Bell as being exceptionally bright.
1887       Began instruction under Anne Sullivan.
1888-98 Learned to read and write in Braille.
1899       Mark Twain recognized her great intellect and discouraged spirit despite her blindness and deafness.
1900       Enrolled in Radcliffe College as a regular student with the help of Sullivan.
1903       Published her first book The Story of My Life.
1904       First blind/deaf college graduate to graduate from Radcliff College.
1908       Published The World I Live In
1915       Helen Keller International (HKI) was founded.
1919       Met Charlie Chaplin, the first in the entertainment world.
1924       Held many lectures and tours in United States.
1925       Successfully challenged Lions International, the world's largest fraternal organization.
1926       Helen Keller met President Calvin Coolidge.
1927       Published My Religion
1929       Published Midstream: My later Life at 49.
1932       Braille is accepted as the world's standard alphabet for the blind thanks to Royal Institute for Blind in U.K.
1937       Established a close friendship with Japanese people. Gave 97 lectures in 39 cities.
1938       Published Helen Keller's Journal.
1941       Attended a performance at the Opera House in New York where she experienced music through vibration.
1943-46 Visited military hospitals calling it the crowning experience of her life.
1946-57 After visiting 35 continents on behalf of the handicapped, governments began schools for the blind and deaf.
1953       Met Winston Churchill and Prime Minister Nehru of India.
Honored at the Sorbonne in Paris by the French government, in a ceremony commemorating the birth of Louie Braille.
1954       Ivy Green, Helen Keller's birthplace in Tuscumbia, Alabama is made a permanent Shrine.
1955       Won an Oscar Award for documentary movie made on her life.
Published Teacher-Anne Sullivan
1956       First women to receive an honorary degree from Harvard University.
1960       Met President Eisenhower who became the first non-blind person to use talking books during his recovery from a heartattack.
1961       The Miracle Worker the story of Helen Keller's early instruction by Annie Sullivan debuted on Broadway.
Met President John F. Kennedy the 10th and last she became acquainted with.
1964       Suffered a stroke and retired from public life.
Awarded the Presidential Medal of freedom by President Lyndon Johnson.
1968       Died at the age of 88.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Quran in Braille

A humbling moment for us all...........when we like our beautifully scripted, designed and tajweed color coded Quran......the beauty of the Braille Quran and it's readers are is spectacular Mashallah

But do we still understand how it is to read Quran in Braille... here is an example of how many Braille characters it takes to read every day Ayahs

To try and grasp the basic Characters for Quran see this table below

How blessed are the Blind whom Allah has blessed with this amazing sense and capability which we can't even comprehend with all the senses we are blessed with.....


It's hard for us to understand how Braille can be read because we see it with our eyes. Our eyes actually impede us ........

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Mom Reads and more for 1st Quarter

While your kids read the recommended books for their levels, you may want to do your own related reading too. To give you a better perspective onto the lives, struggles and accomplishments of  Deaf and/or Blind people.


You may choose to share the following video with your kids. I did, and my kids were amazed !

If you would like to see more things added here please share......

Can you Sign our Club?

Here's how you will Sign for......

Lil Muslim Readers Book Club

images taken from




Still Looking for this one........


it will be shown by making reading and person sign


The double movement would generally be considered to mean, "reading." The verb "read" is done with a single movement.

So a reader would be reading with the person sign after it...




Note:  If you do the sign CLASS with "looser" fingers, it can mean a "general group of things." 

Supplemental Reading to Helen Keller Story

As miraculous as Helen Keller's story is, there are MANY untold stories within hers. Infact knowing those actually open up completely new avenues and paths to understanding the struggles and triumphs of those who paved the way for education for deaf and blind children.

Each individual directly and indirectly had a role in what later came to be known to the world as The Miracle of Helen.

NOTE: I have not pre read all the books but intend to. I will update the read status as I read them :)

One of such individuals was :
Laura Bridgman

The fact of the matter is.......... without Laura Bridgman the miracle of Helen could not have happened.

Qoute from The Imprisoned Guest: Samuel Howe and Laura Bridgman by Elisabeth Gitter "Although today she is virtually unknown, in her own time it was said that, with the exception only of Queen Victoria, Laura Bridgman was the most famous female in the entire world "

For Children

An simple and touching read

For Adults

You can read brief intros of her life and accomplishments from the Perkins institute website here and here.

Others who paved the way or played a part were :

Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet

The man who brought education of deaf children to America 

Alexander Graham Bell

Though most famous for inventing the phone, he was the son and husband of deaf women, and a teacher for the deaf,

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Learn ASL for Free

A Complete ASL Course Online for Free....

Ofcourse if you want to own it, it would be nice to support the cause.....Get the Workbooks and videosand follow at you own pace.

Learn American Sign Language......who knows when you might need it......... at the grocery store, at the park or at the Masjid. Wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to help out someone or be just plain courteous and gain good deeds !!!!!



Start ASL Logo

Us in ASL

Well surely the actual signs would be different....but this is how we'll spell......



How's that for practise... ?